
Saving Private Ryan wallpaper files are available in twelve designs in bitmap (BMP) format. Each file is archived in Zip format to reduce download time.

Newer widescreen (16:10) wallpapers are also available in JPEG format.

[1] Captain Miller 1

[2] Captain Miller 2

[3] Miller and Reiben

[4] Omaha Beach

[5] Corporal Upham

[6] Miller and Horvath

[7] Storming the Beach

[8] Miller, Reiben and Ryan

[9] Ramelle's Defenders

[10] Dogtag Hunt

[11] Miller and Ryan

[12] Miller's Squad

How to change wallpaper on Windows XP

  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Choose Properties.
  3. Select the Desktop tab.
  4. Select an image from the list provided, or click Browse to find an image on your system.
  5. Click OK to close the desktop properties dialog box.

How to change wallpaper on Windows Vista

  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Choose Personalize.
  3. Choose Desktop Background.
  4. Select an image from the list provided, or click Browse to find an image on your system.
  5. Click OK to close the desktop background window.

How to change desktop picture on Macintosh OS X

  1. From the Finder, select: Apple Menu > System Preferences.
  2. Click on the Show All icon to ensure all preferences are visible.
  3. Click on the Desktop icon.
  4. To choose a standard image, choose a Collection from the collection pop-up menu and click on your preferred Desktop picture.
  5. To choose a picture from another location, select Choose Folder in the Collection pop-up menu. Find an image on your system and click Choose. Select your preferred picture as before.
  6. To change your picture automatically, check Change picture and choose an interval from the pop-up menu. Check Random Order to randomize the sequence.
  7. Quit the System Preferences application by selecting menu item: System Preferences > Quit System Preferences.